Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Cause of Autism

Autism is a very challenging condition to many families. There are many families who seek answers regarding the cause of autism. They feel if a cause for autism can be found that a cure may be on the rise for the condition as well. While one cannot blame the parents of autistic children for seeking out answers, and hoping for a cure, it is unfortunate that there is none in sight as of yet.

Scientists and medical professionals all over the world have carefully evaluated the condition of autism. It is a fact that the cause of autism has yet to be discovered. It is also a fact that a cure for autism has yet to be discovered. Based on these facts, it is important to understand that if you have a child that has autism, you must simply work to make the world of the child, as well as your world, as comfortable and happy as possible.

For people wishing to discover facts regarding the causes of autism, the best one can do is to provide things that are not the cause of autism. In the past, when a child developed autism, the parents were accused of parenting in a poor manner. Your method of parenting does not cause autism. Many people have assumed that if a child had autism that the cause of the autism was the fact that the child was not properly fed and cared for. This is not a true cause of autism whatsoever.

There are many facts that scientists and medical professionals have established regarding autism. One of the many facts surrounding autism is that the brain is relatively larger in autistic patients. As a result of the brain being relatively larger in autistic patients, it has been found that the nerves and so on are reconstructed in a way that is not considered the average, or the norm. It has also been determined that autistic children show signs of having issues with their immunity.

Due to the issues in the body that are a result of autism, it is believed that the cause of autism may be related to genetics. Other possible considerations for the causes of autism include childhood vaccinations, and possibly even vaccinations that the parents have received in their lifetime. The evidence regarding the cause of autism to be related to vaccinations is not conclusive. It is simply a consideration for a possible cause of autism.

The cause of autism is not known. There are numerous possibilities when it comes to the cause of autism, but there are absolutely no conclusions. It is important for families to understand that it is not healthy to focus or dwell on possible causes of autism. The most important that that a family with an autistic child can do is to learn as much as they possibly can concerning the condition, and to work diligently to ensure that the quality of life is kept at a high level.

Breech Position

What Is A Breech Position?

During labor and delivery, the most desirable position for the birthing process is head down. That doesn’t always happen. The baby can end up in breech position, without the head down, when entering the birth canal.

When you are pregnant, it is common to feel your baby move around, upside down, sideways, all over. Sometimes you can even make out the head or foot poking at odd angles against your abdomen. It's cute to watch, but once the delivery gets near, your little one should settle down with its head nicely situated down toward the birth canal.

Breech Positions

In the weeks immediately before labor, the baby gets ready for delivery. The baby will change position so that he or she can pass through the birth canal. The “head down” position is the way your baby wants to be before delivery day. With the head first, the doctor will be able to clear the airway and nasal passages immediately upon delivery.

The term “breech” is used to describe the baby’s position when he or she is not turned head down for delivery. What are the reasons for a breech presentation of a baby? There can be several:
Premature birth
Multiple births
Lack of amniotic fluid
Placental previa

There are three different classifications of breech positioning:
1.Frank breech – The baby’s butt is positioned to be delivered first. The baby is curled up tight, in in half, with the feet near the head.
2.Complete breech – This position is similar to the Franck breech, but the knees are bent and possibly crossed at the ankles. The feet are in front of the buttocks which are still positioned to be delivered first.
3.Footling breech – In this position, the first body part to be delivered will be the right or the left foot. One of the legs has positioned itself in the birth canal and the head is up.

What to do?

An ultrasound alerts your doctor that the baby is in the breech position. If it is confirmed that the baby has not moved into the head down position as you approach full term (at least 37 weeks), the doctor has several options:
1.Abdominal positioning – This is best accomplished as early as possible. The doctor will attempt to gently turn the baby using abdominal manipulation from the outside. The baby’s heart rate will be closely monitored during the technique for any signs of distress.
2.Chiropractic positioning – In this instance, a chiropractor that is experienced with breech birth and pregnancy can use subtle techniques to help the baby turn on its own.
Discovering that your baby is in a breech position does not mean that you will necessarily have a difficult labor or a cesarean section. Your doctor will use different methods before labor to correct the breech and will continue to monitor your baby's position during labor in order to deliver your baby safely to your waiting arms.

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Talk To Your Baby

Talk To Your Baby And Build Their Language And Literacy Competency

As crazy as it sounds, developing children's literacy skills actually begins during pregnancy. When mothers talk to their babies while they're still in the womb many researches believe that is actually the first step in language development. One thing for sure is that babies get used to the sound of their mother's voice and perhaps when they are born, that familiarity lends itself to quicker recognition and a fast bond after birth. 

Of course when babies are born, it is very helpful to them for their parents to continue speaking. Babies will start to recognize sounds and get to know gestures and facial expressions. Babies learn so much from the sights and sounds around them and will begin, almost immediately, to try to imitate the sounds their parents make. This is all part of the process of babies figuring out how we, as humans, communicate with each other.  They will start to recognize how we relay information to each other in narrative form and begin to learn how to do that themselves.

We begin to see babies' story-telling skills emerge in the toddler days when they launch into those long, animated baby monologues. When we listen intently to one of these stories that babies tell, it is almost like we can actually follow along, because, the child is so excited in relaying the details to us. It is very much like watching a foreign-language TV show. If you watch it long enough, you begin to follow the story, even if you don't understand a word of it. That is the power of the narrative – and the baby has learned that skill from watching us and listening to us intently.

Parents can use every opportunity throughout the day to talk to their baby about anything and everything. That is a great way to build up the babies' early literacy foundation. When washing the dishes or making dinner or cleaning up, parents can explain the tasks they are doing to their baby. Babies will begin to hear familiar words if the parents are in the habit of doing this frequently.

It is so tempting, when talking to babies and toddlers, to use baby talk. Experts suggest parents speak properly to their children, however, so the children can have the most possible exposure to the correct sound of words. For example, if a child has a 'baby word' for banana, and the parent constantly uses that 'baby word' back to the child, they are only reinforcing the incorrect pronunciation.

Even if a parent sometimes uses their babies' pronunciations of words, the important point is that the child is being talked to frequently throughout their day. It is an essential building block of language, and therefore literacy, development.

Premature Birth Causes And Treatment

 Premature Birth – Causes And Treatment

A full term pregnancy is desirable for delivering a happy, healthy baby. However, some babies have to be delivered earlier which can lead to physical and developmental issues.  This is known as a premature birth.
One definition of premature birth is a baby that is born before 37 weeks of gestation. During each week of pregnancy, the baby matures in a different way. Each of the baby's body systems takes one step further towards completion. The lungs are the last organ to develop, just in time to breathe the air of the world outside the womb.
When a baby is born early, for any reason, each week the baby misses developing in the womb can lower the chances of developing fully, or even of survival.  Babies born prematurely often have lower birth weights and are more fragile when they enter the world. There is an increased incidence of breathing issues from underdeveloped lungs, possible problems with sight, even blindness, as well as the inability to regulate body temperature.

Causes of Premature Birth

Women can go into premature or pre-term labor for no apparent reason at all. It can be a mystery, something totally out of our control.
There are, however, cases where a quantifiable cause for the premature birth is found. Here are a few examples:

Placental problems (previa, abruption)
Infections in the uterus
Preeclampsia or eclampsia
Incompetent cervix
Previous preterm births

Infections are a danger to both the mother and the baby. It is difficult to treat an infection during pregnancy because of the effect the drugs may have on the baby. Infections and/or the drugs used to fight infections can lead to premature breaking of the waters and increase infection rate for the baby. The loss of amniotic fluid can also lead to premature delivery.

When there are problems with the placenta, this can cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen) for the baby. Without proper oxygenation, there can be developmental problems and the possibility of miscarriage.

Possible Treatment

Certain conditions can be diagnosed early enough that steps can be taken to prolong pregnancy as long as possible. An incompetent cervix, for example, can be closed with a procedure called a cervical cerclage. The cervix is sutured closed so that it won’t open under pressure from the growing fetus. It is also not uncommon for the mother to remain on complete bed rest to bring the pregnancy to term.
When a woman has a history of premature births, doctors can take extra precautions to help ensure that it doesn’t happen again if at all possible. This could mean more frequent visits to the doctor and additional ultrasounds.
Doctors want to avoid premature births at all cost. When there is a danger to baby, mother, or both, early delivery may be the only option, but you and your doctor will take all options into consideration for the safe delivery of your baby.

The Birth Control Patch

 The Birth Control Patch: Wear It and Forget It

Birth control is used by women of various childbearing ages. As soon as you get your first period, your body says that it is ready to make a baby. In the great unlikelihood that you are also ready at that point, a method of birth control that can help you is the birth control patch.

The birth control patch was introduced in the early 2000s as the Ortho Evra patch.  If you’ve ever seen the commercials, it is marketed to the younger generation. Young adults have a lot going on and it is easy to forget to take a birth control pill every day. As a solution, young women can use a birth control patch to keep from getting pregnant.

The patch is a small square that contains two hormones: estrogen and progestin. The hormones are released through the skin when the patch is applied. Each patch is good for one week. After that week is up you apply a new patch for the next week. The fourth week there is no patch because you will experience your period at that time.

Wearing the patch means no missed pills and no awkward forms of contraception like the sponge or the ring. You apply it in a certain place and don’t think about it again until it is time to change it. The birth control patch can be applied to the buttocks, the arm, the lower abdomen or the upper body excluding the breast area.

The patch has the same side effects as the contraceptive pill. You may experience heavy bleeding, headaches, bloating, cramping and nausea. The patch isn’t for everyone. For instance, there has been some talk that the patch is not as effective in women who weigh over 200 pounds.

Pros of Using the Birth Control Patch:

• The birth control patch will stay on through normal activities including bathing, swimming and sweating.
• There is nothing to take. Just adhere the patch and let the hormones do the rest.

Cons of the Birth Control Patch:

• The levels of estrogen in the patch put women at increased risk for side effects.
• The patch can come off if you use oils or lotion on or near it. At that point you are unprotected and need a new patch right away.
• The patch doesn’t protect against sexually-transmitted diseases.
• The cost can be expensive for a month’s supply (three patches).

For the woman constantly on the go with work or a busy social calendar, the patch means less worry about pregnancy. You can put it on and leave it be to do the job.
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